Olea Mediterranean Taverna

28 Nov

I visit a lot of restaurants. I take pictures, notes, and sometimes I begin to write blog entries about said restaurants. Then life steps in and directs my productivity elsewhere. Every so often, though, I have a reoccuring feeling about a restaurant: I think about the great experience weeks or months after the initial visit.

Olea in Fort Greene is one of these restaurants. I visited in mid-October, back when the air was still warm enough in the late morning to sit outside for brunch.

Sunday morning brunch, if pushed more toward noon, can involve some waiting for a table. My friend and I were early risers, so we were seated (a little before 11) at one of four outside tables, where we could people watch from the corner of Lafayette and Adelphi Streets.

I started with hot apple cider ($4), which wasn’t overly sweet (hot cider does not require mounds of sugar!). We split the almond-stuffed, bacon-wrapped dates ($5) for an appetizer. My sister has been making these for years, so when I saw them on the menu, I knew it would be a delicious way to start our meal. It was!


For my meal I had the brioche french toast with fruit ($8.50). French toast was perfect: slightly crispy on the outside, airy on the inside, and was served with maple syrup. The fruit was not so perfect: it wasn’t fresh and consisted of pineapple, two pieces of melon, and one grape. Bad fruit day?


The service was great and our food came extremely fast. Tapas are served later in the day.

Owners also have three other restaurants in Brooklyn (Pequena, Moe’s Bar, and Maggie Brown). I look forward to visiting when I return to New York!

Olea Mediterranean Taverna, 171 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn

Olea on Urbanspoon

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