Tag Archives: party

Sushi Making Party

25 Jan

I hosted a sushi making party last night!  Using a 10-cup rice cooker (borrowed from a friend), I started cooking three cups of sushi rice and blanched asparagus about fifteen minutes before everyone arrived.  I wasn’t sure how many people would attend, so I had everyone do the prep work together (cutting lots of vegetables, opening fish and cream cheese, making wasabi, etc), which was fun, allowed us to have correct amount of ingredients, and was much less work for me!

Everyone made one roll of sushi (if I were to do this again, I would have made four cups of rice instead of three).  We used cucumber, green onions, salmon, avocado, cream cheese, carrots, and asparagus.  It was fun and also very low-budget compared to a Japanese restaurant.  Our masterpiece:

Homemade sushi on table with soy sauce and vegetables

Homemade Sushi

It was a relaxed, casual, and very yummy dinner.  Afterward we ate Trader Joe’s mochi ice cream (green tea and mango) and frozen pineapple pieces.

What you’re favorite kind of sushi to make at home?